What is Aeronaut? | Screenshoots | FAQs
System Requirements | Github | Downloads
Upcomming Releases
What is Aeronaut?
AERONAUT is an unoffical custom aircraft design and editing tool for the out-of-print CRIMSON SKIES boardgame by created FASA.
Inspired by Scott Janssens' CADET.
AERONAUT features all official Crimson Skies Boardgame rules, including Autogyros and Special Characteristics,
which where missing in CADET. It supports the FF5 Houserules. You can easy switch between official rules and custom rules.
Also AERONAUT is expandable and customizable, which means you can add new weapons, rockets, etc. by your self and in some
cases you can add your own houserule setups.
AERONAUT is open source see Github.
AERONAUT was programmed by Herbert "Mad MaxX" of Fox Force Five.
Screenshoots are not up-to-date. These where taken from the beta versions.
I found a bug or have an idea for Aeronaut. Who may I contact?
You can join me on Github and post your issues here:
But also you can drop me some lines here:
Herbert "Mad Maxx"
or visit the Aeronaut thread in the
Montana Raiders Forums.
Can I export the sheets as PDF?
Yes, if you install a pdf printer like Free PDF
Can I import data from Cadet?
YES, Aircrafts and Pilots can now be imported (Thanks to Neil Holley)
System Requirements
System: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
Desktop Size: 1280x800
and of course a printer (US Letter or DIN A4)
Aeronaut on Github
Aeronaut is an open source project that is hosted on Github.
Aeronaut Repository: http://github.com/HerbertV/Aeronaut
Aeronaut Wiki: http://github.com/HerbertV/Aeronaut/wiki
Stable Release:
Download Aeronaut 1.0.2
Development Relases:
Download Aeronaut 1.1.0 beta 01
Upcomming Releases
1.1.0 - Bombers - from Zeppelin&Bombers (WIP)
1.2.0 - Squadron/Units - from Zeppelin&Bombers
1.3.0 - Zeppelins - from Zeppelin&Bombers